
Monday, January 31, 2011

Anything but Normal

Have you ever come to a point in your life when you thought, "yes... I am a normal person!" ? Me either ;) But I never have thought that I was beyond the norm of what we call 'special'. However, I do have a story for you:
Once upon a time, I went with my sister to a hairstylist where she got her hair cut and colored and I got myself a nice little trim. At the end of our visit, we got in the car, and I began looking in the mirror at my bangs. Now, I had been onto something for many months now, but it wasn't until this moment that it became completely obvious to me. I have a crooked nose. Yes. Yes, I do. To be frank, I think this is quite funny! So in the moment, I began making a 'big deal' about it with my older sister, and we laughed about it much. Eventually we got home, and I felt the need the tell my mother about this. Here is the best part: Lo and behold, my own mother had noticed this long before me!!! (and I mean YEARS before me.) AND she never told me!!! What a life I live :)
I could have handled this in two ways: I could have become totally self-conscious about myself and my funny nose, and from then on acted completely (truly-- not pretending) awkward when taking pictures. OR, I could find the true humor in this and make it my best attribute ;) Okay, not really-- it could never be my best attribute. But I have chosen the later of the two options. I have accepted the fact that, yes, my nose is crooked! So what?! What if in the future a potential husband notices it and then dumps me? So what?! That would just prove how shallow he is, and I would move on to someone better that would love me and my nose :D
So as you go forth in life and become aware of little funny things that are not normal with you (who knows, you may be perfect;), do not fret! You are not alone! But all-in-all, we are all beautiful. Our bodies are wonderful creations given to us by the Almighty God, even our Father in Heaven. None of us, NONE of us have the right to go around putting down others for their flaws. It is our duty to lift others up, and recognize the beauty that everyone has.
You are beautiful. Have a beautiful day!

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